Monday, May 21, 2012

Thai Drama

How did this group of young Karen Christians (right) come to be performing an evangelistic drama to villagers in Northeast Thailand, hundreds of miles from the closest Karen settlement?

These 6 young leaders were part of the Karen Baptist Convention's first ever Youth Mission Team - reaching out to ethnic Thais in one of the least-reached parts of Thailand.

Their two week trip (21st April - 7th May) saw the team engaging in one-to-one personal evangelism with local villagers, and inviting them to an evening programme of drama and music.  But the Mission Team also got involved in a whole range of other activities, to build up relationships with the local community and encourage the tiny churches they were visiting.

 Some of the Mission Team have excellent levels of English, so they were invited to teach English in local schools.  Others led sports workshops, craft activities and gave guitar lessons.
The summer heat would have made physical activity hard going - but the team managed to lay a concrete floor for two of the local churches, which was a great practical help for these believers.

The greatest impact, though, may have been on the team members themselves.  Ople, a young man full of passion for God and a hugely talented young leader, emailed me last Saturday. He told me that the trip had been a life-changing experience for him:

"One thing I learned was Karen people also have ability to do a cross cultural evangelism.  I was really proud of this trip.  It was first time for us and we should record it as Karen's history!"

I'm delighted that BMS, through a grant to the KBC's Youth Department, have enabled Ople and 11 other young Karen to have their first taste of cross cultural mission.  I'm so pleased to see young Karen leaders emerging who are increasingly aware of their own responsibility to respond to Jesus's Great Commission.  I'm excited to see how things develop: what might God do through the Karen to build His kingdom among the Thai people!

The drama is still unfolding - but there's no doubt in my mind that history is being written.

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