Friday, May 16, 2014

Saying goodbyes

This June we will be leaving Thailand to return to the UK. I (Pete) will be starting a 3 year ministerial training course at Spurgeon's College, London, in September. During this time, we will be based as a family in Birmingham, where Abigail, Jacob and Chloe will be going to school. After nearly 10 years in Thailand, this is a big change - and right now our life is a whirl of preparing to leave, packing boxes and farewell meals.

Goodbyes are never easy...

This isn't a fun time - in fact, these goodbyes are probably the hardest thing we have done here. But I was encouraged today by speaking to a friend, who reminded me to keep an attitude of thankfulness in the midst of the sadness and sense of loss.

Not an easy road - but there is a way through.
Without denying the difficult reality of these days, I can still thank God for all the amazing experiences we have had over the past 10 years - including driving on 'roads' like the one in the picture above!

I can thank God for the incredible opportunities we have had to live, work and minister in such diverse places as Bangkok, Musikee and Chiang Mai.

And, especially, I can thank God for all the wonderful and inspirational people we have had the privilege to meet and count as friends. They have truly transformed my outlook on so many things - and they have taught me so much about what it means to faithfully follow Jesus in all areas of life.

One of our favourite places in Thailand - with some of our closest friends.
As part of the leaving process, I'm going to use this blog to explain some of the aspects of our life here in Thailand that I am most thankful for. So look out for those over the coming few weeks!

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