Friday, August 9, 2013

Nine years

Nine years ago today we arrived in Thailand.  It feels like a very long time ago!  

August 2004, Bangkok: The Maycock Family
We've had fun today looking back over our first prayer emails and letters from 2004. God has led us faithfully, and we have had the great privilege and joy of seeing so many answered prayers. We have been blessed in so many different ways - including welcoming these three amazing young people to our family!

We have seen many things develop and change over the past 9 years.  God has led us into new and challenging places, to learn new languages, cultures and skills, and to live and work with many, many wonderful people. But some things stay the same. It was raining when we landed in Bangkok on August 9th 2004.  It's raining now as we write this blog in Chiang Mai.  And these words, which we wrote in our last prayer email before departing for Thailand, are as true now as then:

"If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast" (Psalm 139:9-10 )

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