Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Loy Krathong Day

Today is the Loy Krathong Festival - one of the most colourful and lively festivals in the Thai calendar. As with most folk Buddhist ceremonies in Thailand, Loy Krathong defies simple explanation!  There are many different aspects of the festival, and the details of what happens varies widely across the country.

Krathongs on the River Ping

At its heart, though, this annual festival involves asking forgiveness from the goddess of the river(s) for past sins against her - including, but not restricted to, causing pollution to her waters.  Thai Buddhists make 'krathongs' - small floats traditionally made from banana leaves, decorated with flowers and a candle and/or incense stick. People take their krathongs down to a local river, and, after saying a short prayer for forgiveness and future happiness, float them onto the water.

Abigail and Jacob with their krathongs

Abigail and Jacob both made a krathong in their Thai class today - and after school we went down to the Ping River to see what was happening.  There were specially constructed bamboo piers to enable people to get right down to the river itself. Meanwhile the river banks were crammed with vendors selling a huge variety of ready-made krathongs, as well as Chinese lanterns (a northern Thai twist to the festivities).  Most people come to float their krathongs after dark, and they often combine the visit with a merit-making trip to their local temple.

Krathongs for sale on the riverbank

Thais love to celebrate - so even a potentially sombre festival like this one is accompanied by an array of fireworks, firecrackers and loud music.  There is also a Loy Krathong Parade - with prizes awarded for the best decorated floats, and a beauty contest too.  Last year's festival was a muted affair, amidst the devastating flooding which hit large parts of the country.  This year, however, the Loy Krathong party is in full swing - we can hear the fireworks rumbling from our home tonight - and will continue until early tomorrow morning!

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